Aug 27, 2010

The CuTest ThinG

rite now, i'm playink fesbuk n burnink songs into cd wif razeyn sleepink by my side. setiap 5minit misti nk pndang diye. realy, i hv never been so into someone or sumtink like dis before, hehe..sakit ati dzuri kalo bace nih;p

today mark his 3rd month, rite on da 27th, eh ke now da 28th? ah ntah la blur suda. my sis call him da giant baby. he is gettink bigger nowadays, outgrowing all of his clothes. hehe..mumy kene beli new clothes for him. wic size? 6-9 mths? 9-12? keke..

keep on growing n be healthy ok baby?
i love it wen u borak2 wimme in ur baby language..
pastu berusaha sgat2 nk tiru mummy's sounds..hehe..
ur tiny tp mulot chatterbox abis..
azeyn sihat2 k? b a strong, good boy..
n keras kan kepale azeyn tu lg..
biar mumy leh dukong tapayah support kepale..
pastu salu2 gv me ur bruce willis smile..
n show mumy ur dimple evriday k?
it makes my day.
love you baby.

1 comment:

Nurul Huda said...

Mazzzzz! :P rasa ko kena delete blog aku dr list ko, then re-add balik, sebab skg ni xtunjuk blog aku updated, padahal dah update. k? terima kasih hehe :)

Ain't dEy cuTe??

~ me ~

~ me ~
sumwher in sum gas station