it was durink early Uni days wen we babbled boud our future
i rmember it all v clearly..she asked me, how do we knw dat da guy we'r dating is our true love? da one we'r supposed to marry?
afta few exchange of facts n thots on how to knw he's da ONE, i came up wif dis idea, my resolution. i said to her dat my idea is illogical n fairytale-ish. She said she'd go along wif it anyway.
So i told her dat we wud each pick a Magic song, a secret song dat nobody cn knw about. N later as we go on wif our lives, if we come across any guy who cn guess our Magic songs, on wateva situation watsoever, dat is our Mr. Right, our da ONE.
my song was 'Savage Grden - I knew I Loved u'. i jez pickd it out of da blu, it wasn't evn dat popular at da time, in 2003. i heard it during sekolah menengh years ago. i cnt rmember wat Suzie's song was.
So, time passed n we din tink much of our silly, 'Magic' pact. At da time i was jez friends wif my husbnd, who'd courted me since day 1 at orientation, i knw he liked me but i told him i jez wantd to stay frens. During da years we became super close frens ot TTM id call it. teman tapi mesra.
One night, like any otha night, we were gabbing away on da fon n he asked me on who/wat kinda guy i'd like to marry one day. I told him boud me n Suzie's magic pact. He laughed n chidded me boud it. He said dat it was a stupid pact n made fun of it.
"main2 je..bukan serious pon", i said.
He poked fun evn more, n den smirked ovr da fon, "lagu ko ape? ni?" n started to sing da Savage Garden song, my 'Magic' song in a realy silly, mocking tone.
i rmember my reaction was a gasp,bulatkan mata n den blurted in an excited, unbelievable rush, dat dat was THE song. He got silent. n We din't talk for a few second. N den i rmember him saying,
n ther was a series of events afta dat wher i pressed him ovr n ovr again on how he knew wat my 'Magic' song were, whether did he ask Suzie. He said nope, it was a genuine guess. He said he din evn try to guess. To me, it truly is our Magic song, my all-time favret magical moment ;)
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