its been a realy bz wikend..i din evn hv time to clean my rum eheh. n i din spend dat much time wif my daddy either :( felt bad but i promis to make it up to him nextwek wen he came bck..pwomis:p
~ colmar tropicale aka bukit tinggi, pahank ~
hiw..dis weken zori came to kl..he was tired workin nite shift n burdened wif work pwob n yet my mortar came. hes realy my hero :) dah lari topic plak..hiw. well we decided to go picnic @ bukit tinggi atau name glamer bukit tinggi d pahank. or correction : it was my idea..*smug*..ehe.its my 2nd time ther n as i remembered its realy pretty evn tho not as cold..i went boud 3years ago..maen rabbit wif adik n nafa n mama n dady:)
entrance to colmar is 16ingit per person..for 16bucks u can visit da village, da japanese tea garden n oso da rabbit haus.3 in 1 otey heh..i tink its worth it. but da fud n drinks r not..4.50 for a mineral water (small k..) is bit pushink it. dhla kami on a tight budget..masalah kewangn tol. first we jez walk at da village n visit restrooms (tu je yg kami mampu) den afta takin pics lumpat2 cam urank jakun we went to wait for da tram to take us to japanese garden. now..da japanese garden is realy sumtink :) i had fun ther..its pretty n chilly n green n had nice2 colorful flowers..i wantd to steal da lavender dat they r growink but my conscience telme not to..ishk..tapi blik ase rugi plak..i couldve steal it n try to grow it inside da fridge..can o not? tink can..

most of da trip we spent at da garden je.afta we oso went to da rebit haus but i got itches at my skin afta pettink them n zori dragged me outta da rebit haus n into da car..bleps ;@ who cud resist touchink them..dey r so cute. thers evn da babies..cumey..;) but da small kiddies who visited kept chasink afta dem (dey r not pettink dey r pressink) n it pissed me a lil..tatotla haiwan2 tersebot..kanak2 memank kijam kdang2..
most of da trip we spent at da garden je.afta we oso went to da rebit haus but i got itches at my skin afta pettink them n zori dragged me outta da rebit haus n into da car..bleps ;@ who cud resist touchink them..dey r so cute. thers evn da babies..cumey..;) but da small kiddies who visited kept chasink afta dem (dey r not pettink dey r pressink) n it pissed me a lil..tatotla haiwan2 tersebot..kanak2 memank kijam kdang2..
well..u tink dats boud it? noway..
jez wen i thot da fun is ovr..wen wer headink back goink downhil..thers a huge chopper (wel..not huge but iv nver realy seen helicopterz up close:p) at da H place..dunno wat its called. n i jez needed to hv a pic wif it. meshtila we stopped da car n zori asked da guard whether we can tk pix..sket pon tapela..n he said yes! hehe so click2 we went..only me..zori malu..da chopper belongs to vincent tan..berjaya owner. kaye tol..da interior design was ol gold k..mebe not real gold but stil da color is gold..vv da classy :)
well dats jez it for my trip. afta dat i followd zori went car huntink. pon besh gak wpon panash tahap ciken n wer act wifoud money..yehee..
hugs n kishies
1 comment:
car hunting 3 baris je, den dare to complin abg tak pnah ade keputusan sendri nak bawak b jejalan. potong rambot tak ckp:@ sebek g bukit tinggi:p schweet kan yang...the best moment kan syg:) i love you vvvv much syg muackss
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