Jun 28, 2009


i opened yahoo today n found dis..

Confessions Of A Wedding Planner : 5 Signs Couple Will Crash 'n' Burn :-

1. Bride refuses to let da groom choose da cake.
2. Da groom lets his mom call da shots.
3. Da bride blows half da budget on her dress.
4. Da bride freaks over da groom's bachelor party (err..who wudn't?)
5. Da bride n groom fight in front of me (as in da wedding planner)

disturbing facts, i found dis..heh..but i ges sum of da above is tru..but frm wat id seen so far..most of my frens who fight ol da time wif their boifrens r da ones who last. really..n i tink its bcoz dey r so cmfortable wif each otha dat den dun keep anytink frm their partners..dey jez lash out..yeeeh


Faisal said...

hello my cousin.. haha.. at least the hard part has passed,kan? so i guess u need not worry.. btw, tak add my blog lagi?

Nurul Huda said...

ohhhh i setujuuuu statement last u tuuuu! nak sedapkan ati ekceli hee.. wakakakaka :P

inda said...

huddy: hehe korg pon salu kittyfites cm aku n dzuri gk ke? hehe..but wifoud dat it'l feel weird kn..hiksss..

acal: i da add!;) tasempat nk online lame2 b4..br dpat timink nih..da hard part is gettink hitched? nope nope..u havent get to part sape kena lipat kain yet..dats tuffer;p

Ain't dEy cuTe??

~ me ~

~ me ~
sumwher in sum gas station