below r pix frm mlake weddink..taken by our photographer Bob..wic is my mother's fren's son..susa kn nk pk? mother was his mother's pengapit durink their mude-mudi days but dey got lost in cntct..n i managed to temukan dorg kembali wen i took Bob to b my photograpr durink my Engagement..hw cool is dat? ;)
wel okay im gona paste in sum pix now..
otey eres me in our terqois half sonket-half kbaye biase..ekceli i picked another color n dress for da melake wed..but changd it las minit coz my work colleagues said dat da blu color i choose is like our office file color, wic i hafta admit, is tru..hehe
waitink for da femly frm my side to 'berarak' not quite sure wat dey col dat in english..its seriesly hot at dat time. Me n dzori r realy not fans of hot weather. Hot weathers r not gud for our patience..hiks
my parentz n da troops arrive n we start to walk towards food..ehe..behind us r da kompangs..n behind dem is my femly..
As shown clearly in da pic..dzori is da only 1 smilink while evryone else is either coverink their nose or rubbink their eyes..kekeke
my mother..i coudnt hv done it wifoud her, da person i love most in my heart. n also my daddy..sobs..sedeh plak..i rmember dem discusink evry single major n minor detail boud da pj wedink..kerot2 pale..shian ma n dad :( i realy do love dem vv much
daddy salam2 orank..ngeh..we fel mor relax durink da mlake wedink..i ges coz we'r oready married ;)
n below r pics of us lazy to wait for bloger to upload ol da pix i wana put..lembap..
eres 1 jumpink n dzori wantd da wedink to b less formal n mor us..i hope jadik..i figured itl either luk super-fun or poyo to ppl..ekkee..i hope its not da latter..
but one tink for sure, we do hv tons of fun jumpink up n dwn in da rain wif our best clothes on;p
awrite dats ol for now..wil check in later to write boud our hanimun in bali..or shall i col it explorace in bali? hehe..only dzori undrstnd wat i mean;p
warna biru ni sangat sesuai dgn warna kulit u... & u look soooo beautiful la..
N gambar sangat cantik especially masa kat tepi pantai.
I luv the blue colour...!!
erna n syah : thnx..naseb bek my colleagues bisink suh tukar kaler..kalo x my theme wud b dark blu (kaler file ofis)..dey said id luk super gloomy in dark blu kaler file ofis:p
arzam : bc ko ek blog aku:p tenkiuq 4 da wish..heh
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