i used to wonder wats da fuss ol boud on dis ugly lookin shoes..
but i ges now i get it
its vvvvv cmfortable..mor or less like ur sliper jepon lah rase die
n i wear it evrytime ;-)
dZori bought me n his at Jesco Bukit Indah, Jb
situ jer hade crocs kt jb nih
kampong abis..
he bought it on Hari Kekaseh special promo
wher we got 2 fwee jibbitZ..if ur wonderink wat is it..its da small kalerful thingies u noticed on ppl's crocs
+ 2 fwee mAgiC love mugs
wher it says I LOVE U wen we put hot water in it
cool :-))
iv heard ppl talk boud 'invisible pens'
wher it only shows da words wen u put it near sumtink hot
lighter ke ape2 la..
i wnder wher i cn get 1 of thos..it'd b so cool to hv one of those
i pernah try pakai ni ( test kat kedai)..tapi kaki I nampak cam besar & giant..apasal you pakai nampak cam kecil & cute..? masa test2 tu pun..selesa sesangat..
hey maz! aku nk msg ko my add smlm tp xde plak ur hp num! x_x anyways, aku bg sni skg, hope ko cek comments ko huhu.. 95 Jln H16, Tmn Melawati, 53100 KL. Btw msg me ur num too later ya?
.buat kamu.
.jaga mereka.
mereka = kasut
erna: u shud c my new crocs..bagak gler..now i understnd wat u mean kaki giant..i gv da old 1 to my mama..beli yg br design len..tp cm ta chantek :(
hudy: u gt my mses? i oready send u a card..nungu ia taw
datin zinnia: hey name cool lah:)
msg hp ke? nopeyy xdpt hihi.. last four numbers are 3424, same x with d one u hav? wokeh gez will get it soon!
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