1. dun judge me..ur human too..
i dun tink its sumtink human shud do unto other human..well maksud aku hanye tuhan aje yg berhak judge..n mak bapak kite..or orank yg kite btol rpat dgan, yg btol2 tau kite dan kesah idop kite..tol x?
wen i make a decision or reel back frm sumtink dat happened to me in my life, il usualy ask otherz for their point of view..wic is sumtink i tink i shud stop duink..except for those who realy realy r close to me.. i find otherz wil straightaway judge me whether im doink good or bad wifound actualy ceking why is da reason i decide or act such a way..yikesh..hold ur horses guys..eh cilap gurls..u dun knw me dat well..
but i ges its my fault too
i shud stop asking dem wat i shud do rite
dey hv da rights to answer netink dey want
2. treasure those u feel calm wif ~ not jez hepi wif
ok..eres a tribute dat'l go to my bestie mastot n ayanaz (mastot is not into blogs at all.i doubt she reads dis hehe:p)
for mastot :
u r coffee n im milk (seb ko ske kopi o)
we come frm diferent situations n do difrent stuffz
we evn dress difrently : ur womanlike n i like simple girly stufz :)
but therz nothink dat i cannot share wif u n viceversa
ur owiz ther wen im sad n hepi
n wen i did sumtink bad ul owiz forgive "sowiy kalo ko tepon kadang2 ta akat..taula aku tepon ta kepit kekadang:p.."
n u understand me best..far far betta den otherz i knw
n i knw i understand u besh too..;p
n wats most important is dat u never judge
cyg ko
mcm besh fwens day lak..ihii
for alia :
wev known each otha foreva kn ikan
since tadika gaknye walopun ta rapat ms tu:p
i go play piano at ur haus..u come by my haus afta mlantak laksa buyonk afta skool
gado dah tah baper kali..smpai ke besa..curently syiap gado anta msg gitu seb aku ta akat fon
cam bf gf..hehe
but u r owiz ther too mcm mastot
u feel lonely ther in indon..i feel so sowy for u..i tink i can feel wat u feel wen therz nobody u can actualy relate too
u giv da most gempaks piece of advice
da way u tink is way wayy mature for our age ~ ala2 suda idop 40tahun gituw
but ur like piece of puzzle in my life
wifoud u id b lost (ngn masalah chenta aku yg ta endink2 sjak dr skooldays..hiks)
cyg ko gaks..
yups dats da tribute suda
tenkiuq tenkiuq
hugs n cioms

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