it is hard for me to accept dat most loved drink since birth i a supporter of those baby killers in israel..supports da war against palestinian ppl..huhh..mama wil make me a mug of Milo b4 i sleep til dis very day..Zori wil buy me a carton for me to drink in JB before i sleep as ganti Milo mama..
i hope my alternative..anlene kotak..isnt a seporter of killing startink to grow fond of it..;@
14 years ago
hei hei hei..
puan inda kita.. ingat lg ko kat aku ye.. ingatkan dah berumah belum ada tangga ni (a.k.a jadik tunang orang).. tak kenal dah aku.. maklumla.. mst bz nak belajar masak2 ke,kemas umah ke, hehehe ;p
regarding layan tetamu tu mstlah.. itu org panggil 'people skill' tu hahhahhaha..
p.s tp ko takleh blah mintak piano utk bday.. serius..
brumah blom hade tange..busok ko..hehe..ko jgn sebot2 mask ni.pressure k..lagi pressure dr kije ti doluw..aaaaaaa
p/s: ala..bukan zori bace pon..aku hint die blur ajerh..mencik
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