Oct 1, 2008


its 1.oopm 2nd day raye..i shud b preparink for people to come raye my haus now..but i feel like writink n getink few tinks off my head a bit

da title says it all boud us sendink my sista off to airport to UK, shes studyink ther n we wont get ta see her for anotha year. sigh. i hv dis mixed-up feelink..half wishink she doesnt hv to study so far away n leave me..n half hepi for her n hopink she hv lotsa fun over ther..

ysterday at airport evryone cried but i didnt..i dun wan to coz if its me goink off, id b worried n heavy seeink evryone cryink n i dun want her to feel dat coz shes goink far away..i wan her to b hepi ther n explore n hvfun

like bree in desprate hswife said..if we fel like breakin down, we jez put ol our emotion into a box n close da box n put dem away in an empty closet..n later wen we hv da time..we go bck to da closet n open da box n let oud ol da emotion..

now as im writink dis is da part wher i open bck da box i kept yestrday..


MishNora said...

3 months feel like only yesterday kan...hmm...cepat mase berlalu...kem salam to lisa...n i miss u dear.

Dr. Erna Masfiza said...

tapi dasat la u ingat apa yg bree desprate hswife cakap..i pun suka gak desprate hswife..

Ain't dEy cuTe??

~ me ~

~ me ~
sumwher in sum gas station