its sunday n its sunny ;)
woke up @ 12noon today n suddenly tinkin of getink a haircut so i did
got da bob..short im back to short hair now
tak mcm orank len..i dun have sekelumit rase syg pon @ my long hair kena potonk
dunno y
today i felt like bloggink aboud LC restaurant in jb
not a restaurant pon..jez a realy nice lighted up gerai alonkside jalan tebrau
its got dis nice 'nasi serai'
wic u can get for 8 ringit
da price is lil too much for its small servink
but da fud is superb
nasi serai is nasik cooked wif serai i presumed..judgink by its difren taste
n a bit of sotonk sambal and butter prawn as side dish
thers oso a tenny weeny bit of serundink
n sayur timun
its nothink much but i like it :)
otey only dat for now. dis intenet conection is gotten @ jusco fudcourt
believe it or not i hauled my laptop ol da way to see frenster
wic is getink borink prob bcoz evryones changink to facebuk now
i duno how to use facebuk altho i d hv an account ther
okie dats ol for now..another 31/2 hours to buke pose!
heh..toodle dooo